Monday 8 February 2010

KCLS 'where are' U?

As someone who was part of KCLSU 'back in the day', I understand it takes a while to set a proper response, and before today I was actually worried about what they were actually doing to represent the interests of the students when dealing with the cutbacks.

After all, uni is about the students first.....

Anyway, it seems that they've finally got it together and have got some pretty encouraging meetings and plans for how they are going to respond to the cuts. Taken from an open letter on the KCLSU website (link below paragraph for full text) they are meeting with course reps from the humanities on 12 Feb. 2 sabb's also attended Academic Board, where student concerns were voiced.


The next thing that i've been told (thanks to KCLSU campaigns for this) is that the next Student Council meeting will be on the 8th March (Saffra) and Principal Trainor (aka: the big dog) will be attending. I've been invited and want as many of you to come along as well, as if lots of student, past and present, can voice their concerns, he'll realise the strength of feeling.

Obviously it's still early days yet, and yes, diplomacy is the name of the game, but I think KCLSU need to be a bit more in tune with some of the anger which their members have. The facebook campaigns (which should be more unified, but i'll get to that in a later post) are very emotive.

I've heard good things coming out of ULU (sad to say, but they're voices are mostly ignored) and London Student, so KCLSU should get their criticism out there a bit more.

Should the union be more vocal? Yes, sometimes directness is alot better than dealing in such a diplomatic way. The union have the ability to affect policy and safeguard student interests more than any other group. The vast majority of students oppose cuts, so please KCLSU, show your hand a bit more.....

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